Category Archives: Cython

Quick calculations with SymPy and Cython

Alrighty! Last time I posted about SymPy we weren’t worrying too much about computation speed. It was worth the time saved by automating the Jacobian, inertia matrix, etc calculations and it didn’t affect simulation speed really all that much. But! When working with a real arm it suddenly becomes critical to have highly efficient calculations.

Turns out that I still don’t want to code those equations by hand. There are probably very nice options for generating optimized code using Mathematica or MapleSim or whatever pay software, but SymPy is free and already Python compatible so my goal is to stick with that.


I did some internet scouring, and looked at installing various packages to help speed things up, including

  1. trying out the Sympy simplify function,
  2. trying out SymEngine,
  3. trying out the Sympy compile to Theano function,
  4. trying out the Sympy autowrap function, and
  5. various combinations of the above.

The SymEngine backend and Theano functions really didn’t give any improvements for the kind of low-dimensional vector calculations performed for control here. Disclaimer, it could be the case that I gave up on these implementations too quickly, but from some basic testing it didn’t seem like they were the way to go for this kind of problem.

So down to the simplify function and compiling to the Cython backend options. First thing you’ll notice when using the simplify is that the generation time for the function can take orders of magnitude longer (up to 12ish hours for inertia matrices for the Kinova Jaco 2 arm with simplify vs about 1-2 minutes without simplify, for example). And then, as a nice kick in the teeth after that, there’s almost no difference between straight Cython of the non-simplified functions and the simplified functions. Here are some graphs:

So you can see how the addition of the simplify drastically increases the compile time in the top half of the graphs there. In the lower half, you can see that the simplify does save some execution time relative to the baseline straight lambdify function, but once you start compiling to Cython with the autowrap the difference is on the order of hundredths to thousandths of milliseconds.


So! My recommendation is

  • Don’t use simplify,
  • do use autowrap with the Cython backend.

To compile using the Cython backend:

from sympy.utilities.autowrap import autowrap
function = autowrap(sympy_expression, backend="cython",

In the last Sympy post I looked at a hard-coded calculation against the Sympy generated function, using the timeit function, which runs a given chunk of code 1,000,000 times and tells you how long it took. To save tracking down the results from that post, here are the timeit results of a Sympy function generated using just the lambdify function vs the hard-coding the function in straight Numpy:


And now using the autowrap function to compile to Cython code, compared to hard-coding the function in Numpy:


This is a pretty crazy improvement, and means that we can have the best of both worlds. We can declare our transforms in SymPy and automate the calculation of our Jacobians and inertia matrices, and still have the code execute fast enough that we can use it to control real robots.

That said, this is all from my basic experimenting with some different optimisations, which is a far from thorough exploration of the space. If you know of any other ways to speed up execution, please comment below!

You can find the code I used to generate the above plots up on my GitHub.

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Using the same random number generator in C++ and Python

Anyone who has converted code from one language to another, where there is a random number generator involved, knows the pain of rigorously checking that both versions of code do the exact same thing. In the past I’ve done a write out to file from one of the language’s random number generators (RNGs), and then read in from file, but it’s still be a pain in the ass as there’s some overhead involved and you have to change everything back and forth if you need to do debugging / comparison in the future, etc etc. After some searching, it doesn’t seem that there are any common RNGs, and the closest I found was a suggestion saying to write the same algorithm out in each of the languages and use that.

Well. I happen to know how to use Cython now, and rather than rewrite the same code in C++ and Python, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to put to use this knowledge. There’s a program called SimpleRNG for C++ (, with a whole slew of basic random number generation methods, so the idea was just to take that and throw some Cython at it to get access to the same RNG in both C++ and Python. It turned out to be almost a trivial exercise, but with very useful results!

Since we already have the SimpleRNG.h and SimpleRNG.cpp code all written, taken from link above, we can start by making a .pyx file that will 1) provide a Cython handle to the C++ code, and 2) define a Python class that can call these functions. Remembering not to name the .pyx file the same thing as the .cpp files, for fear of the code generated by Cython overwriting my .cpp files, I added a “py” prefix. The first part of the .pyx file is just redefining all the functionality we want from the header file:

cdef extern from "SimpleRNG.h":
    cdef cppclass SimpleRNG:

        # Seed the random number generator 
        void SetState(unsigned int u, unsigned int v)

        # A uniform random sample from the open interval (0, 1) 
        double GetUniform()

        # A uniform random sample from the set of unsigned integers 
        unsigned int GetUint()

        # Normal (Gaussian) random sample 
        double GetNormal(double mean, double standardDeviation)

        # Exponential random sample 
        double GetExponential(double mean)

        # Gamma random sample
        double GetGamma(double shape, double scale)

        # Chi-square sample
        double GetChiSquare(double degreesOfFreedom)

        # Inverse-gamma sample
        double GetInverseGamma(double shape, double scale)

        # Weibull sample
        double GetWeibull(double shape, double scale)

        # Cauchy sample
        double GetCauchy(double median, double scale)

        # Student-t sample
        double GetStudentT(double degreesOfFreedom)

        # The Laplace distribution is also known as the double exponential distribution.
        double GetLaplace(double mean, double scale)

        # Log-normal sample
        double GetLogNormal(double mu, double sigma)

        # Beta sample
        double GetBeta(double a, double b)

        # Poisson sample
        int GetPoisson(double lam)

Look at all those functions! I left out two functions from the redefinition, namely double GetUniform(unsigned int& u, unsigned int& v) and unsigned int GetUint(unsigned int& u, unsigned int& v), for the simple reason that I don’t want to deal with reference operators in Cython, and I don’t have any need for the functionality provided with the overloaded GetUniform() and GetUint() functions.

Alright, the first part is done. Second part! Straightforward again, define a Python class, create a pointer to cppclass we just defined, and then make a bunch of handle functions to call them up. That looks like:

cdef class pySimpleRNG:
    cdef SimpleRNG* thisptr # hold a C++ instance
    def __cinit__(self):
        self.thisptr = new SimpleRNG()
    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.thisptr
    # Seed the random number generator 
    def SetState(self, unsigned int u, unsigned int v):
        self.thisptr.SetState(u, v)

    # A uniform random sample from the open interval (0, 1) 
    def GetUniform(self): 
        return self.thisptr.GetUniform()

    # A uniform random sample from the set of unsigned integers 
    def GetUint(self):
        return self.thisptr.GetUint()

    # Normal (Gaussian) random sample 
    def GetNormal(self, double mean=0, double std_dev=1):
        return self.thisptr.GetNormal(mean, std_dev)

    # Exponential random sample 
    def GetExponential(self, double mean):
        return self.thisptr.GetExponential(mean)

    # Gamma random sample
    def GetGamma(self, double shape, double scale):
        return self.thisptr.GetGamma(shape, scale)

    # Chi-square sample
    def GetChiSquare(self, double degreesOfFreedom):
        return self.thisptr.GetChiSquare(degreesOfFreedom)

    # Inverse-gamma sample
    def GetInverseGamma(self, double shape, double scale):
        return self.thisptr.GetInverseGamma(shape, scale)

    # Weibull sample
    def GetWeibull(self, double shape, double scale):
        return self.thisptr.GetWeibull(shape, scale)

    # Cauchy sample
    def GetCauchy(self, double median, double scale):
        return self.thisptr.GetCauchy(median, scale)

    # Student-t sample
    def GetStudentT(self, double degreesOfFreedom):
        return self.thisptr.GetStudentT(degreesOfFreedom)

    # The Laplace distribution is also known as the double exponential distribution.
    def GetLaplace(self, double mean, double scale):
        return self.thisptr.GetLaplace(mean, scale)

    # Log-normal sample
    def GetLogNormal(self, double mu, double sigma):
        return self.thisptr.GetLogNormal(mu, sigma)

    # Beta sample
    def GetBeta(self, double a, double b):
        return self.thisptr.GetBeta(a, b)

Again, very simple. The only thing I’ve added in this code is default values for the GetNormal() method, specifying a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, since I’ll be using it a lot and it’s nice to have default values.

Now the only thing left is the setup file:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

  name = 'SimpleRNG',
              sources=["pySimpleRNG.pyx", "SimpleRNG.cpp"], # Note, you can link against a c++ library instead of including the source
  cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},


And now calling it from IPython

run build_ext -i

And pleasantly, now, you can call the SetState(int,int) function and generate the same set of random numbers in both C++ and Python. Which is absolutely wonderful for comparison / debugging. It’s been super useful for me, I hope someone else also finds it helpful!

All the code for this post can be found at my github repository: pySimpleRNG. If you’re simply looking for what you need to get SimpleRNG in Python, then all you need is the SimpleRNG.o file! Drop it into your Python project folder and import away.

Update: It was pointed out that having a Python script example would be useful, which is very true! Here’s a quick script using this shared library.

from SimpleRNG import pySimpleRNG

a = pySimpleRNG()
a.SetState(1,1) # set the seed
a.GetUniform() # remember this number
a.SetState(1,1) # reset seed 
a.GetUniform() # returns the same number as above
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